Heal Your Inner Child

How Can Spiritual Life Coaching Help You

Many of my clients have tried other avenues to uncover what’s behind that feeling. They’ve signed on for business coaching, leadership training, talk therapy. But while the work is informative, it’s largely an intellectual exercise that leaves them feeling unfulfilled.
While many coaches guide you through a set of steps or a predetermined action plan, my intensive coaching program starts at the soul level. My process is based on the philosophy that we all carry the wisdom of the universe & energy inside of us. When you develop the awareness and skills to access that wisdom, you learn to guide your own way through life.
And here’s the best part: When you can access the answers that already live within you, you eliminate the need for external validation and accountability. It’s about learning to live from the inside out.

Let's Talk About The Difference Between Therapist & Spiritual Life Coach

We’ll first off let me say this, I don’t have anything against therapy  I do believe it can help people with certain situations in there life. but yes there is always a but… and from my experience with clients you often keep finding yourself always going back for sessions whether it's for a few months or even a few years. because speaking about your feelings at that moment feels good right? like you got a lot of your chest but then you end up finding yourself repeating the same story over and over again. and not finding the answer to your problem, then when you leave the session it feels like your going through a repeat cycle. and at the end your still feeling lost in your life, your mind, overall everywhere, I have many of clients that was in therapy. & keyword is “WAS” when they find out what spiritual life coaching really is was they learn about more about there inner self, spiritual self, and how energy is mainly caused for there problems. now “please note I am not a therapist” although I have been called a spiritual therapist I am not. 

The Difference

The difference between them and I is I do not sit there and let you vent about your problems, And then say “well how did that make you feel” but I am going to let you know why you went through these situations in your life and help you come to terms with your past and for you to finally let go & be free. I will provide you with the correct spiritual  tools for you to use to start making changes in your life for the better. 

What Is Inner Healing? & How Can It Be Fixed

You find yourself constantly questioning yourself with the why’s and what's in your life for example:

  • Why is my life this way?

  • Why do I feel so lost?

  • Why can’t I find true love?

  • Why can’t I find happiness?

  • What did I do wrong?

  • What happen to me?

  • What is holding me back?

Well, most of the time we don’t stop and think about how we truly never healed from our past right?

Whether it's from past relationships, family, friends, trauma, etc. you may not stop & realize that all you been doing is slapping a “band-aid” on and trying to move forward in your life. but find yourself in the cross roads again? that’s because placing a “band-aid” isn’t going to heal or fix those wounds. we even sit there and think to ourselves that we have letted go of thing’s in our life &  from our past but honestly you haven’t. because you sit there a say to yourself “Out of sight out of mind” right?  well the problem is it’s still there just behind the scenes. because in Reality you never healed correctly let’s stop and think about it like this we go see a doctor to make sure we are healthy and okay and if there is a issue we try to fix it, but on the other hand we may feel like something is off and you end up getting  told that you are completely fine so now your sitting there thinking what can be wrong? well have you ever gave thought that it might be something spiritual and not medical. I bet you didn’t start thinking about your inner healing and allow yourself to feel 100% better!

How do I help. clients to completely heal and finally have peace of mind & happiness

Well it’s simply though journaling I have you think far back into your past when you first ever felt your negative moment or moments and have you start writing them out in your book and in our weekly sessions you will bring your “negative book” with you. while you are reading what you have written I will then turn my spiritual energy on and find the root of the problem that has caused you to feel stuck. from there we then start working on healing you by removing those “band-aids” and connecting with your energy to spiritually heal your wounds 

For More Information On This Service Please Contact Me

Energy-First Coaching


The body communicates energy. It’s your leader and guide. It contains all of your answers, knows what you love and is your source of truth.


Your mind seeks to understand energy and give it meaning. But exclusive investment in your logical mind can misguide you. You should know what is true.


Your mind seeks to understand energy and give it meaning. But exclusive investment in your logical mind can misguide you.


Consciousness gives us awareness. It allows us to focus and see the truth we hold in our body.


When centered in energy, relationships become easy.Meaningful relationships are integral to realizing your dreams.


Energy is the first language of the universe. Understanding universal energy will give you a profound sense of how everything works.

The Road To Healing Is Only A Call Away
